TEST : FORD COMERCIAL VILA VILA (04-02-2004) (154.753 km)

SUSPENSION Front Axle Left : 77 % Right : 75 %
Rear axle Left : 84 % Right : 84 %
BRAKES Front Axle Left> Right
Brake Force 4,05 KN Brake Force 3,93 KN
Ovality 0,07 KN Ovality 0,11 KN
Performance (Left and Right) : 87 %
Rear axle Left Right
Brake Force 2,18 KN Brake Force 1,75 KN
Ovality 0,24 KN Ovality 0,18 KN
Performance (Left and Right) : 73 %
Handbrake Left Right
Brake Force 1,54 KN Brake Force 1,00 KN
Performance (Left and Right) : 17 %
Final Evaluation Total braking force of the service brake 11,91 KN (Performance : 82 %)
Total braking force of handbrake 2,54 KN (Performance : 17 %)
Total weight of the vehicle : 1479 Kg
Front Axle 935 Kg (63% total weight)
Rear axle 544 Kg (37% total weight)